
kendall.totten's picture

The Future Is Here! DrupalCon 2010

They say first impressions are everything, and my first time at DrupalCon was nothing less than fantastic. I learned a lot, and now I'm even more excited about where Drupal is headed, what it means for us as the site builders, and how it affects people using Drupal sites. Here's a rundown of my favorite sessions.

kendall.totten's picture

Preparing for the Challenges of 21st Century Journalism

This Saturday, Eastern Michigan University played host to the 2009 Michigan Collegiate Press Association Fall Workshop. Students from across the state convened to brush up on their reporting skills, copy-editing techniques, and design best-practices.

kendall.totten's picture

Common Drupal Design Issues

We've all been here before—you're busy perfecting your newest addition to your Drupal site in CSS, and it's looking good until you decide to double check your work in Internet Explorer.

Switchback Caravan logo

Caravan is a powerful and full-featured membership management system, designed specifically for membership- driven organizations.

Caravan Member Managment

Switchback Trailhead logo

Trailhead is a Drupal-based system, built with the features smaller businesses need, bundled together into a ready-to-launch package.

Trailhead CMS Packages

On the Trail Blog